genomics block

mRNAseq-Strand Specific Library Preparation


mRNA libraries are prepared starting with total RNA.Library quality is checked with bioanalyzer. Concentration is measured with picogreen.


Illumina TruSeq mRNA library preparation kit and Kapa mRNA hyper kit are used for the library preparation.

Key Features

We prefer that customers provide 100-2000ng total RNA with RIN equal or above 7.0. But for the customers who have limited quantity and quality total RNA, we ask as low as 50ng. The RNA sample volume is up to 50μl in nuclease free H2O.

genomics block

DNA/RNA Extraction


DNA/RNA extraction service for different types of cells, tissues including FFPE samples


Different type of kits from Qiagen are used for different type of samples

Key Features

The quality check with bioanalyzer and Nanodrop is included in the extraction service

genomics block

Sample Quality Control


Check the RNA/DNA quality to get RIN/DIN and concentration


Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system and Agilent 4150 TapeStation Systems are used to get the RIN/DIN, Nanodrop and Picogreen to measure the concentration

Key Features

RIN/DIN > 7 is considered good quality