Welcome to the Raj Lab in the Department of Immunology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
The Raj Lab studies bloodstream infections and pathogen exposure induced immune responses in young children. The broad focus of our research is genomic and transcriptomic analysis of host and pathogen to discover biomarkers that can predict the course of the disease and guide the treatment. Existing culture-based methods that require 20-40 ml of blood to detect bloodstream infection does not work for young children. Long turnaround time often complicates clinical symptoms in young children. We are developing DNA/RNA sequencing based methods for rapid diagnosis of bacterial, viral and fungal infections in children. We employ next-generation sequencing technology in our experiments. We perform 16S rRNA gene sequencing, metagenomic shotgun sequencing, metatranscriptomics, cytokine profiling, protein arrays and single cell RNA sequencing for high resolution taxonomy and characterization molecular signatures that drive clinical phenotypes and underlie disease mechanisms.

Principal Investigator
Prithvi Raj, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Immunology
Director Microbiome Research Laboratory
Lab Members

Expertise: Single cell sequencing, Bulk RNAseq, MicrobiomeSeq

Expertise: Long-read sequencing data, bioinformatics